Saturday, December 29, 2012

minimum wage

1. Morgan and Alex budgeting for the 30 day period was not that great to start off with and the two wen over their budget.

2. budgeting played an important role in survival for Alex and Morgan, they had to keep track of what they spend or else they would have run out of money before the 30 days were over.

3. I do agree with Sen. Ted Kennedy's argument that raising the minimum wage would help families because the minimum wage we have in place right now is the same as what we had decades ago, and the living expense for families now have change dramatically. those who oppose of raising the minimum wage believe it would have a negative effect on small business but i still don't think that enough of a good reason to allow families to struggle to make a dollar.

4. I think Alex became so emotional about the services that were given to her and Morgan at the free store because she now realize how hard it is to live on the little budget she and Morgan have too and see people who are willing to give a helping hand to help their live run a bit smoother was touching.

5. Going to the hospital if i was living on the budget that Alex and Morgan had to live by would only happen if i was really sick; a stomach ache or a cold would not be a reason to go to the hospital for me. if children were involved my decision making process would change, if a child was sick with a cold or a stomach ache i would take them to the hospital.

6.  It was very easy for Morgan and Alex to get into an argument over finances. the underlying feeling that cause their conflict was that Alex felt Morgan was not spending smart. She believe Morgan was purchasing things he didn't need.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Make-up EITM

The U.S Steel industry is one that has not have much to be proud of but that may soon change. Due to cheaper production by Asia the u.s industry has been struggling for many years now. But things are soon to change in the eye of many,  there is a now way that the U.S steel industry is coming back by something called fracturing. fracking is a way to extract natural gas in the U.S is process involve the use of many steel pipes that is "sunk into rock formations". Europe and Asia will have to pay more money the american steel industries won't have to worry about competition, economists believe that fracking will shift our current global economy.But there are some that believe the chemicals that are used in the process of fracking will have terrible effect on our environment and health.