Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Principal Lay

Principal Lay a principal at a high school is in court for viotation of the first amendment ( of others) and state law that forbids teachers, or principals in public schools to pray. Principal Lay had an athletic director to say a prayer at a luncheon. Lay doesn't think what he did was wrong and said that the kids at the school needed to be save. I think what Lay did was wrong and he should be punish for forcing his belieft on his students.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

National Convention Speeches

Mitt Romney Speech
          During Mitt Romney speech the republican candidate focus mostly on his family, church and the american dream. Romney started his speech with cracking some jokes about his vice president Paul Ryan, complimenting him on his speech. Romney spoke about his dad coming from mexico and how he worked from the bottom up, from a car sale man to the governor of Michigan. He than went on to speak about the value of parents; how a parents love is stronger than anything else. Romney spoke about his mother who ran for senator. Romney than went on about building a business for the ground up. But i feel like i was listening to a sermon. He didn't address any important issues that we are dealing with and what he would do to fix or improve these issues. And i know all politicians tell the people what they want to hear but i felt he took it to the next level, he seemed like he would wait for the audience to applause every thing he said even if it wasn't important, or funny. i wish he spoke about what he would do if voted commander and chief.

President Obama speech

          During President Obama's speech he address the problem in congress, and education, and tax and renewable energy. The president started off talking about what voting this year will mean for america. Obama spoke about why he ran for president; because he saw some values slipping away, he address how the republican party address every thing that is wrong in the nation but not how they will improve or change things. the president than talked about education, and how cutting financial aid is not going to help our economy, or letting go of teachers. the president spoke how the problems in america can be change if the people work with him. the president than spoke about american making product instead of buying them from foreign countries. the president than went on to talk about natural energy, the importance of renewable energy; how we are now less dependent on foreign oil today then in any time in the last two decade. I hope the president would talk about his stand on gay marriage.

Bill of Rights Scenario "speedy trial"

Five years ago i was accused and arrested for attempted murder, and just last week i was sentence to prison for ten years.