Saturday, February 18, 2012

labor union

By the 19th century efforts to improve workers' conditions became more frequent, by negotiation or strike. many unions fought to reduce the working day from 12 hour to 10 they also took into consideration of legal protection from exploitation. but sadly labor unions were not very successful, many strikes failed and hard times during the great of these labor union was the knights of labor, who fought for equal pay for workers with the same job and 8 hour workdays ad to end child labor, but like many of other labor union it collapsed due to lost of membership and failed strikes.

many members in labor unions where still working for corporation while in the union,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

different views

As much as we hate to admit, their is always two side to a story; different point of views.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stephen A. Douglas

Born in Brandon, Vermont, nicknamed the little giant, being hardly five feet in height. But that didn't mean every thing about him was small he had a large head and a massive chess and shoulders and his voice was strong and carried far. Stephen A. Douglas was born 23 of April 1813l, and died 3 of jun 1861. He ran for President against Abraham Lincoln and lost. His debates with Lincoln are said to be some of the most famous in American History. He worked as a teacher while getting studying in Winchester, Illinois  in legals. He was later voted into u.s house of representatives and then to u.s. senate. Douglas believed in popular sovereignty; the principle states that the source of governmental power lies with the people. Douglas received a Democratic nomination in 1860, from the northern democratic party, and southern democrats nominated John C. Breckenridge from Kentucky, and Abraham Lincoln who was running for the Republican party. At the end needless to say that Douglas lost the race. He placed second in the popular voting and last in electoral votes. After he lost, he went back to his seat in the senate, and tried to prevent the civil war, but once war broke out at Fort Sumter, he gave Lincoln administration his full support. But never got to witness the four year war, Douglas died, an untimely death. He's buried on the shore of Lake Michigan.