Saturday, December 29, 2012

minimum wage

1. Morgan and Alex budgeting for the 30 day period was not that great to start off with and the two wen over their budget.

2. budgeting played an important role in survival for Alex and Morgan, they had to keep track of what they spend or else they would have run out of money before the 30 days were over.

3. I do agree with Sen. Ted Kennedy's argument that raising the minimum wage would help families because the minimum wage we have in place right now is the same as what we had decades ago, and the living expense for families now have change dramatically. those who oppose of raising the minimum wage believe it would have a negative effect on small business but i still don't think that enough of a good reason to allow families to struggle to make a dollar.

4. I think Alex became so emotional about the services that were given to her and Morgan at the free store because she now realize how hard it is to live on the little budget she and Morgan have too and see people who are willing to give a helping hand to help their live run a bit smoother was touching.

5. Going to the hospital if i was living on the budget that Alex and Morgan had to live by would only happen if i was really sick; a stomach ache or a cold would not be a reason to go to the hospital for me. if children were involved my decision making process would change, if a child was sick with a cold or a stomach ache i would take them to the hospital.

6.  It was very easy for Morgan and Alex to get into an argument over finances. the underlying feeling that cause their conflict was that Alex felt Morgan was not spending smart. She believe Morgan was purchasing things he didn't need.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Make-up EITM

The U.S Steel industry is one that has not have much to be proud of but that may soon change. Due to cheaper production by Asia the u.s industry has been struggling for many years now. But things are soon to change in the eye of many,  there is a now way that the U.S steel industry is coming back by something called fracturing. fracking is a way to extract natural gas in the U.S is process involve the use of many steel pipes that is "sunk into rock formations". Europe and Asia will have to pay more money the american steel industries won't have to worry about competition, economists believe that fracking will shift our current global economy.But there are some that believe the chemicals that are used in the process of fracking will have terrible effect on our environment and health.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Principal Lay

Principal Lay a principal at a high school is in court for viotation of the first amendment ( of others) and state law that forbids teachers, or principals in public schools to pray. Principal Lay had an athletic director to say a prayer at a luncheon. Lay doesn't think what he did was wrong and said that the kids at the school needed to be save. I think what Lay did was wrong and he should be punish for forcing his belieft on his students.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

National Convention Speeches

Mitt Romney Speech
          During Mitt Romney speech the republican candidate focus mostly on his family, church and the american dream. Romney started his speech with cracking some jokes about his vice president Paul Ryan, complimenting him on his speech. Romney spoke about his dad coming from mexico and how he worked from the bottom up, from a car sale man to the governor of Michigan. He than went on to speak about the value of parents; how a parents love is stronger than anything else. Romney spoke about his mother who ran for senator. Romney than went on about building a business for the ground up. But i feel like i was listening to a sermon. He didn't address any important issues that we are dealing with and what he would do to fix or improve these issues. And i know all politicians tell the people what they want to hear but i felt he took it to the next level, he seemed like he would wait for the audience to applause every thing he said even if it wasn't important, or funny. i wish he spoke about what he would do if voted commander and chief.

President Obama speech

          During President Obama's speech he address the problem in congress, and education, and tax and renewable energy. The president started off talking about what voting this year will mean for america. Obama spoke about why he ran for president; because he saw some values slipping away, he address how the republican party address every thing that is wrong in the nation but not how they will improve or change things. the president than talked about education, and how cutting financial aid is not going to help our economy, or letting go of teachers. the president spoke how the problems in america can be change if the people work with him. the president than spoke about american making product instead of buying them from foreign countries. the president than went on to talk about natural energy, the importance of renewable energy; how we are now less dependent on foreign oil today then in any time in the last two decade. I hope the president would talk about his stand on gay marriage.

Bill of Rights Scenario "speedy trial"

Five years ago i was accused and arrested for attempted murder, and just last week i was sentence to prison for ten years.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

This cartoon shows the house to which each branch belongs to and the people who run each branch.and also it shows that the branches where created under our US constitution.

Monday, May 7, 2012

saving private ryan

           the film,"Saving Private Ryan" is a wonderful depiction of WW2, and how terrible and bloody this war was. This film is a rescue mission for eight soldiers to save one soldier ( private James Francis Ryan) who's the last serving brother of four. after the united state army chief of staff learn that all of Ryan brothers are died, he order a rescue mission to get private Ryan out of danger and to be sent home. and as this is all being done while the war is taking place not all of the eight soldier make it out alive, but at the end Private  Ryan was rescue and sent home and live a very long life.

After seeing this film it does give you a great insight to how it is during war, and i know that there is no way i would have been able to survive as a soldier. i don't think when it came down to kill or be kill i would have done what was needed for my survival. i know i would not have been able to pull that trigger.

A character in this movie that i really like is Cpl. Timothy P. Upham, many people see him as a weak character but to ask me he seems to be the only one who still have a hold on reality. it's not built in men to just kill another men, he struggle to pull the trigger because he has a respect for all life and is able to see that those men on the opposing team is just doing what they've been told to, just like he is.

in my opinion this cartoon show why war is never the answer to solve a problem. many wars start off for no reason, or some one might say one thing and it gets turned around. no one ever wants to take the blame for causing a war to break out, even if they are in fault. during world war one it seems like every one was just pointing fingers, so who really started the war.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


this to me depicts imperialism for what it really is slavery, we want to own other country not to improve their living we want them to improve our every day life.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

labor union

By the 19th century efforts to improve workers' conditions became more frequent, by negotiation or strike. many unions fought to reduce the working day from 12 hour to 10 they also took into consideration of legal protection from exploitation. but sadly labor unions were not very successful, many strikes failed and hard times during the great of these labor union was the knights of labor, who fought for equal pay for workers with the same job and 8 hour workdays ad to end child labor, but like many of other labor union it collapsed due to lost of membership and failed strikes.

many members in labor unions where still working for corporation while in the union,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

different views

As much as we hate to admit, their is always two side to a story; different point of views.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stephen A. Douglas

Born in Brandon, Vermont, nicknamed the little giant, being hardly five feet in height. But that didn't mean every thing about him was small he had a large head and a massive chess and shoulders and his voice was strong and carried far. Stephen A. Douglas was born 23 of April 1813l, and died 3 of jun 1861. He ran for President against Abraham Lincoln and lost. His debates with Lincoln are said to be some of the most famous in American History. He worked as a teacher while getting studying in Winchester, Illinois  in legals. He was later voted into u.s house of representatives and then to u.s. senate. Douglas believed in popular sovereignty; the principle states that the source of governmental power lies with the people. Douglas received a Democratic nomination in 1860, from the northern democratic party, and southern democrats nominated John C. Breckenridge from Kentucky, and Abraham Lincoln who was running for the Republican party. At the end needless to say that Douglas lost the race. He placed second in the popular voting and last in electoral votes. After he lost, he went back to his seat in the senate, and tried to prevent the civil war, but once war broke out at Fort Sumter, he gave Lincoln administration his full support. But never got to witness the four year war, Douglas died, an untimely death. He's buried on the shore of Lake Michigan.